Transformed by God: A Testimony from Azerbaijan

Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
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Teaching Translation

Meet Fatima, a former Muslim woman whose life was profoundly impacted by God. Hailing from Azerbaijan, a predominantly Muslim nation in the South Caucasus, Fatima's journey from Islam to Christianity was not without its challenges, but because of the gifts and prayers of supporters of Derek Prince Ministries, Fatima received the live-changing Bible teaching by Derek Prince that she needed.

Who Is This Man?

According to CIA World Factbook's 2023 estimate, Muslims constitute around 97.3% of Azerbaijani population. “I used to be a Muslim, too”, Fatima says. “When I became a Christian in 1992, my Christian life was miserable, hopelessly weak, and more theology than knowing the Bible itself.”  

This changed when Fatima learned about Derek Prince’ Bible teachings. “The company I worked for received a parcel of his books, with the suggestion to translate them into Azeri. Among them was ‘Does Your Tongue Need Healing’.“

Speaking about the impact of this Derek Prince book, Fatima shares, "When I read that book, I was surprised by the bold statements of this writer. Who was this man? Our company had translated Christian books by other authors before, but never had I read Bible teaching so profound and yet practical as this.”

"My Christian life was miserable, hopelessly weak, and more theology than knowing the Bible itself.”

Fatima searched for more information on the internet and watched a documentary about Derek Prince’s life. This story further sparked her interest in his Bible teaching.


As she immersed herself in Derek Prince's materials, Fatima experienced a profound healing in her soul. Through his book ‘Blessing or Curse', she found deliverance and freedom from spiritual bondage. Reflecting on this experience, Fatima recalls,

“From Derek Prince, I had learned to pray in faith. Because of this, in 2017, I was able to cast out a dark demon from our house. A big change came since that day; a big cloud of grey caused by a curse was lifted from our family. It was not easy to unlearn old patterns of thinking and speaking and learn anew. Graciously, God was leading me and opening my eyes to the truths. I learned to fast and pray, started to speak in tongues, to pray for healing and deliverance; and I learned to see the difference between true Gospel and the false Gospel.”

"I was able to cast out a dark demon from our house."

Over the years, Fatima's Christian walk evolved as she embraced the truths presented in Derek Prince’s Bible teaching. After seven years of listening to Derek Prince’s teaching, God healed her from a deep wound in her soul.

Living a victorious life

During Covid, when all churches were closed, Fatima found spiritual nourishment from reading the Bible, guided by the Holy Spirit, and by listening to Derek Prince’s audio series on the book of Romans.

“I listened to every episode again and again, sometimes six to eight times, until the teaching became a part of me. This truly shaped my faith. I did not know that it was possible to live a victorious life over our sinful nature, by the power of the Holy Spirit. This thought itself was new to me, and my Christian life has changed totally by it. I am so grateful to God.”

Fatima's story is a powerful reminder of the impact of Derek Prince's teachings and the importance of making these resources accessible to individuals like her in nations and languages where Christianity faces adversity.

As Fatima continues to grow in her faith, she extends her heartfelt gratitude to all supporters of DPM who have prayed and donated to make these teachings available in Azeri. Through their efforts, more lives like Fatima's can be touched and transformed by the timeless truths of the Gospel.

With continued support and prayer, DPM remains committed to making a difference in the lives of individuals like Fatima across the globe.

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