Our Number 1 Priority

Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
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Derek Prince
Bible Schools

In a world where the urgency of spreading the gospel is paramount, Derek Prince Ministries embodies its motto to reach the unreached and teach the untaught. This profound vision, deeply rooted in the teachings of the Bible, originates from the personal conviction and calling of Derek Prince himself.

The motto emerged when Derek Prince worked in Kenya in the 1950s as a principal of a college for training teachers. One day, he encountered a divine revelation while reading Matthew 24:14:

“This gospel of the kingdom shall be proclaimed in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come.”

In that moment, he felt the Lord spoke very clearly. “This is priority number one for My people.”

Reflecting on this encounter, Derek Prince articulated, “I came to see that the age cannot close until we have done our job as the church of Jesus Christ, His witnesses on earth, which is to proclaim this gospel in all the world as a witness to all the nations. The end will not be provoked by the activity of evil, by the forces of Satan, not even by human conflict. All this has a part, but the decisive factor is the preaching of 'this gospel of the kingdom... in the whole world... to all nations.'”

His words echo the urgency and responsibility that every believer carries in spreading the message of salvation.

"The end will not be provoked by the activity of evil, by the forces of Satan, not even by human conflict. The decisive factor is the preaching of 'this gospel of the kingdom.'"

It Takes Faith

Derek Prince further emphasized the magnitude of the task at hand, acknowledging the staggering number of people who have yet to hear the name of Jesus. With an estimated 2.7 billion individuals untouched by the gospel, Derek Prince stressed the importance of not shying away from this responsibility, but rather, embracing it wholeheartedly.

“I believe it places an obligation on every sincere Christian to be totally committed in one way or another to the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom in all the world. There are many different ways you can be committed, not necessarily as missionaries or evangelists.”

In speaking about the fulfillment of our collaborative calling as Christians, he realized the importance of faith.

"There are many different ways you can be committed, not necessarily as missionaries or evangelists.”

“God operates according to our faith and according to the need, not according to our initial resources. I don’t believe that the church will ever have in the bank all the money that it needs to evangelize the world. I don’t believe that we will ever, sitting in our churches, have all the spiritual gifts that it will take. We’ll just have five loaves, two fishes—financially, spiritually. But when we start to operate, then there’ll be no limit to our resources.”

Rise To Your Destiny

Derek Prince recognized the significance of our present generation.

“I believe God knows which generation of the church will succeed in fulfilling the task, and I pray that it will be our generation. This generation. This is the first generation in the history of humanity when all the technical provision is made by which we can reach the whole world in one generation. I believe that’s what Jesus intends. I believe that’s why these promises and predictions are in the Word of God that we might recognize the time in which we live and that we might rise to our destiny.”

"This is the first generation in the history of humanity when all the technical provision is made by which we can reach the whole world in one generation."

Join us in fulfilling the vision of Derek Prince Ministries and be a part of spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth. Together, let us reach the unreached and teach the untaught, knowing that in doing so, we play a vital role in fulfilling God's plan for mankind.

Matthew 24:14

Derek Prince often referred to Matthew 24:14 in his sermons. The quotes in this article are taken from the following messages:

Interview with Derek Prince


The Initiative Is With The Church

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