African Outreach Appeal

Derek Prince Ministries UK
Derek Prince Ministries UK
Derek Prince Ministries UK
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Did you know that Africa has the youngest population in the world?  

Around 40% of Africa’s population is under the age of 15. Astonishingly, the median age is around 20 years old, compared with nearly 44 years old in Europe.

These statistics bear out a conviction the Lord has placed on our hearts:

Now it is time to make Derek’s Bible teaching more widely available to young people in Africa.

Will you join in this venture by giving £25 or more today?

Together we can take the seed of the Gospel along with the fertiliser of Derek's Bible teaching into schools, universities, and homes across Africa.

And trust that God will supply the refreshing rain of the Holy Spirit and grow strong disciples of Jesus.

There are many adversaries who are planting tares amongst the wheat.

Christianity has been largely eradicated from the education systems in Africa and the youth are often being steered away from the truth.

But you can help change this!

By giving to our Africa outreach today you can help shape the hearts and minds of young people in Africa in the image of Christ.

Together we can enable them to respond to the call of God in their lives and see the church in Africa grow and thrive in years to come.

Grateful for your support.

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Join the mission to extend God's Kingdom, teach the Bible, and make disciples for Jesus.

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