September/October Prayer Focus Update

Derek Prince Ministries USA
Derek Prince Ministries USA
Derek Prince Ministries USA
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Dear Friend,

Thank you so much for your service in expanding God’s Kingdom through your prayers for Derek Prince Ministries. In our September/October Outreach Prayer Focus, our ministry workers share about the many projects and opportunities where we are seeking God’s help. As we pray together, we trust that He will give us the breakthroughs and provision needed, and we give Him all the praise!

Your prayer support shows that you are praying not just for your own needs but purposely seeking God’s help for others. We cannot thank you enough for that. As James 5:16 says, “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man [or woman] avails much.”

So, I have every expectation of seeing God move as I share with you our current needs. Thank you again for your prayers!

Click here to see today's prayer focus and download a prayer guide to keep with you.

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