Nurturing Faith in Israel

Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
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In the diverse and multicultural landscape of Israel, the First Fruits Ministry, an initiative of Christian Friends of Israel (CFI) - Jerusalem, supports Christians through their wide network within the believing community in Israel. With prayers and contributions from faithful supporters worldwide, First Fruits also ensures that Derek Prince's enriching Bible teachings are accessible to the people of Israel in their native tongues, including Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, Spanish, and Amharic.

A Personal Touch to Aid Fellow Believers

In 2022, Derek Prince Ministries and CFI started a partnership in order to strengthen the body of Christ in Israel and to equip believers of Jesus, the Messiah. According to First Fruits coordinator, Rudy Friessen, "this partnership with Derek Prince Ministries is a great fit with First Fruits as providing solid Christian materials empowers believers, fostering a solid foundation and growth in their faith."

First Fruits, designed exclusively for Israeli citizens, offers assistance on a deeply personal level. Applicants seeking financial aid, whether for rent, medical expenses, or other urgent needs, are considered with utmost care. Supporting documents, including letters from pastors and congregational leaders, attest to the genuine need, and financial statements accompany the applications.

Coordinating the First Fruits Ministry, Sharon and Rudy Friessen are at the forefront of this impactful venture. Rudy: “Once applications are processed, personal visits are scheduled with the applicants. This is a time of getting to know them better, pray with them, and leave printed materials that will help encourage them. This is where the Derek Prince materials come in”, Rudy says.

Equipping Pastors and Leaders for Biblical Leadership

Another vital aspect of First Fruits Ministry is its involvement in various meetings where pastors and congregational leaders from across the land gather for prayer and encouragement. In these gatherings, Derek Prince's materials are made available to the leaders, garnering significant appreciation. To date, over 2,000 Derek Prince titles have been distributed directly to pastors and congregational leaders, catering to various languages, including English, Russian, Arabic, Spanish, and Hebrew.

Rudy reports: "The photo below was taken at a pastor's meeting. Notice the box being filled on the table, with Arabic books. They appreciate these materials and take them back to their churches."

Recently Rudy and Sharon drove up to Nazareth to meet with an Arab lady at a Prayer / Ministry Center. Rudy: "This lady has requested 140 Arab books for Arab ladies coming to a Women's Conference.  She also desired some of the English titles. In total, we have taken about 200 books to her."

Free distribution of Derek Prince' Bible resources to pastors and leaders

Israel Conferences: Spreading the Message Globally

On September 9, 2023, the Love Israel Conference will take place in Sydney, Australia. During this event, Derek Prince's resources will be made accessible to the attendees, contributing to the global outreach of his teachings. The main speaker during the conference is Dr Baruch Korman, while the worship will be led by Joshua Aaron, a renowned American-Israeli singer/songwriter, who also voiced the audiobook edition of Derek Prince's "Why Israel" released earlier this year to celebrate Israel's 75th birthday in May 2023.

Another Israel conference will be held on 23 September, 2023. This Israel And The Nations Conference is organized by Derek Prince Ministries Australia and Ebenezer Operation Exodus. Two distinguished speakers will share their insights at the conference: Johannes Gerloff and Pete Stucken.

Legacy Rooted in Tithing and Generosity

The origins of First Fruits Ministry trace back to CFI's founders, whose deep belief in tithing spurred the initiative. In its early years, CFI tithed all undesignated income to support existing churches and congregations in Israel, providing much-needed assistance for their functioning, including musical instruments, electronic equipment, and transport vehicles. The compassionate aid extended to members during emergencies further strengthened the bonds of unity and faith within the believing community.

We cannot express enough gratitude for your continuous support, which strengthens our mission to 'reach the unreached and teach the untaught'. Your generosity opens doors to new opportunities, touching lives in ways we could not have imagined.

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