Our Upcoming Mission to Zambia

Derek Prince Ministries South Africa
Derek Prince Ministries South Africa
Derek Prince Ministries South Africa
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Leadership Training

Remembering Ricky van der Berg

Evangelist Ricky van der Berg, before he was called home to be with the Lord, embarked on an extensive mission trip to Northwest Zambia. His work had a profound impact, with accounts of the deaf hearing, the blind seeing, tumours disappearing, and many more miracles. Ricky dedicated much of his mission to training pastors and leaders, traversing rough roads and crossing rivers to reach the people of Zambia. To aid his ministry, we supplied him with a wealth of resources, including books, CDs, DVDs, and Mega Voice players, which were widely distributed to local pastors and leaders.

Accessing Derek’s Teachings Online

In our ongoing mission to support spiritual growth and leadership development, we plan to reach out to all these pastors and inform them about the numerous online resources available to them. This includes the wealth of teachings from Derek Prince available online and via the mobile app. These resources include radio broadcast materials and daily devotions that can further enhance their spiritual journey and aid their ministries.

Our Upcoming Mission to Zambia

We are thrilled to announce a forthcoming mission to Zambia, scheduled for June-July 2023. On this trip, we will distribute further teachings from Derek Prince, including a selection of CDs and DVDs, copies of the Self Study Bible Course, and the Foundation DVD set. Two seasoned South African leaders, with vast experience in missions in Zambia, will be leading this trip. They will meet with Bishop Peter Chanda and eight other pastors in South West Zambia, fostering connections and sharing Derek’s invaluable teachings. Our dedication to evangelising and empowering leaders continues, as we strive to spread the Good News across Africa.

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