Bringing hope and support in Ukraine

Vlad Chazov
Director, Derek Prince Ministres Ukraine
Vlad Chazov
Director, Derek Prince Ministres Ukraine
Vlad Chazov
Director, Derek Prince Ministres Ukraine
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Refugee Care

As the war between Russia and Ukraine continues, Derek Prince Ministries Ukraine Director Vlad shared an update from Pastor Yuri Svyashchenko from Mykolayiv City. Pastor Yuri is one of the ministry leaders receiving support from DPM.

Throughout the war, they continued doing ministry in the city and surrounding villages of Mykolaev and Kherson, especially to those that have been under Russian occupation. In spite of the hardship, their ministry did not decrease but grew.

We are so grateful to the people who are supporting our ministry in Ukraine with their prayers and donations. Because of them, we are able to provide pastor Yuri and his team with basic food, medicines, blankets, potbelly stoves, etc. to give to needy people. DPM also support them by providing them with fuel for trips to the villages in the countryside.

Through the faithful supporters of Derek Prince Ministries, we also supply the people in these areas with Derek's booklets and evangelistic cards, bringing them hope and encouragement from God's Word.

Pastor Yuri and his team preach the Good News to the people they serve and invite them to open-air meetings and church services. A significant part of the people expresses a desire to listen to the Word of God.

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