Annual Orphans Christmas Party - India

Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
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Orphan Care

The Annual Orphans Christmas Party hosted by Derek Prince Ministries – India was held on the first Saturday of the Advent Season, 3rd December 2022. Children from six different orphanages around Trichy gathered for this special event.

Song Time

A time of singing always evokes the best response from the children and breaks the barriers as they sing and dance together with us. Every song has a Biblical story as it’s background and hence we are able to begin to communicate the Word right from the start. The laughter and smiles in the photos above speak volumes about the joy this session evokes in them.

Talent Time

A good round of exercise calls for the need to sit back and enjoy the talents of children like themselves from other homes, who have been practicing for days to give their best at the DPM-OCP. Another session that everyone thoroughly enjoys – watching and listening to the songs, dances and skits that follow – all themed around Christmas.

Message Time

We had invited a children’s worker, Rev. Abraham to share the meaning of Christmas with the children.  He began with a simple game of “passing the parcel” and led on from the game into a simple message of why Jesus was the greatest gift to mankind. This was followed by a time of prayer and commitment. The children can be seen bowing their heads sincerely in prayer.

Gifts Time

Finally it was time for the much awaited gifts to be given out.  Each child was given a draw-string bag loaded with chocolates, stationery, soap, paste and coloring books. The excitement on their faces is what gives us the greatest joy and satisfaction and makes it worth all the effort that we put in.  After a special South-Indian meal, the children returned to their Homes with hearts, hands and stomachs full.

Following this day of joint celebration, our youth team then went out to one of the Orphanages, that could not make it to the OCP due to covid deaths in the Home last year. This is about 100 kilometers away from Trichy where they met with the children and spent some time singing songs and sharing the meaning of Christmas.

In the week following the celebration, our youth team also visited nearly 330 children who are severely handicapped by cerebral palsy. They make them happy by singing for them and sharing why we do what we do with their parents who bring them to the centres where they are cared for and educated. The gifts are always looked forward to and received with real joy and gratitude.

Without your support we could not do what we do. Truly, as Jesus said, “what you have done to these… the least of my brothers, you have done to me.”

May the Lord richly bless you and your families as you have cared for and shared with these brothers and sisters of Jesus.

Elsie & Danny
Directors - Derek Prince Ministries India

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