Museum Selfie Day: Heroes of Faith woodland

Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
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Taking selfies on our mobile phone – we all do it. From daily routines to the greatest adventures, we want to share where we are. Did you know that there even is a Museum Selfie Day on the 18th January? For the future, consider visiting a unique open air ‘museum’ that is being developed at Coleshill, Birmingham in the UK: the Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer. Part of the museum is the Heroes of Faith woodland, where Derek Prince’s voice can literally be heard.

Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer

The Heroes of Faith woodland is part of a major project, called the Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer. This colossal piece of architectural sculpture, visible from nearly six miles away, will open by the end of this year (2023). Standing at 169ft (51.5m), the arch of Eternal Wall will be visible from up to six miles away.

Every single one of the million bricks in Eternal Wall will represent a story of Jesus answering someone’s prayer, contributed by individuals from across the world, making it the largest database of hope stories in the world. People will be able to discover these answered prayers, simply by pointing their phone up against a brick. Their phone will light up and tell them the story of hope that the brick represents.

Derek Prince at the Heroes of Faith woodland

As part of this amazing project there will be a Heroes of Faith woodland which will be made up of 162 commemorative trees telling the story of men and women of faith whose lives and ministries have impacted the world. When the visitor points their phone at any of the trees, the app will present the content onto the user's phone as an audio file or video file. We are pleased to announce that there will be a tree commemorating the life of Derek Prince and the story of our ministry to the present day.

God answers prayer

Derek Prince firmly believed that prayer was the key to living a successful Christian live. Throughout his ministry, he encouraged people to pray with boldness, laying hold of God’s promises in the Bible. He firmly believed that God is eager to answer the prayers of His children. In his book, Secrets of a Prayer Warrior, Derek Prince says:

“I tell you, the people who pray are the ones who end up on top. When all the dust has settled, the one who prayed stands. If you really believe you are going to get what you are asking for, you will not stop praying. The only way you can lose is by giving up.”

Knowing the will of God and praying accordingly for it to happen, is a powerful boost for your prayer life. According to Derek Prince,

“The promises of God’s Word are not a substitute for our prayers; they provoke our prayers, and it takes our prayers to make the promises of God’s Word effective in our spirits. It also takes our prayers to release the intervention of angels on our behalf.”

What is the Museum Selfie Day

The idea for the Museum Selfie Day was started by Mar Dixon, a London mother who blogs about museums, art and culture. She came up with the idea for an internet campaign encouraging people to visit museums and post their selfies online with the hashtag #MuseumSelfie after visiting several museums with her daughter in 2014. Since then, the trend has gone worldwide.

Learning to Pray

Watch this short video by Derek Prince to learn how to pray and get what you’ve prayed for:

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