30 years of Derek Prince Teaching Letters

Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
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This year, 2023, marks the 30th anniversary of Derek Prince’s Teaching Letters. Millions of copies of these short, free studies have been distributed worldwide since Derek wrote his first Teaching Letter in 1993, entitled Judgment Begins at God’s House.

The latest Teaching Letter, the 150th one that was released by Derek Prince Ministries USA in January 2023, is called "Empowered by the Dove". In this Teaching Letter, Derek Prince says:

“Have you ever considered the fact that Jesus needed the Holy Spirit, just as we do? Jesus never took credit for Himself, but attributed His whole ministry to the presence of the Holy Spirit. If Jesus needed the Holy Spirit, surely we do! Nothing can take His place. He is indispensable, which is why we need a close, personal relationship with Him. But that relationship requires what all successful relationships require—mutual sensitivity. Believe me, the Holy Spirit is very sensitive toward us. But we need to learn to be sensitive in return.”

Bible Teaching Letters in many languages

From the start, the Teaching Letters were being translated into multiple languages, including Chinese, Japanese, Afrikaans, Tamil, Khmer, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, Indian, Norwegian, Greek and Portuguese. Christians are using the Teaching Letters for their personal quite time, study them with their small group from church or share them with friends. Pastors are inspired by them and often use them as a start for their sermons.

“The Teaching Letters were a vital tool to introduce people to Derek’s Bible teaching when we first started our mission in Slowakia”, says EE Director Branislav Cekan. “We distributed over 150,000 copies so far, just in Slowakia! People love to take a copy with them on their way to work and read it on the bus or tram. It doesn’t require a lot of time to study, and yet get solid spiritual food. That’s why people also like to share them with friends or colleagues.”

In many other places, Derek Prince Minsitries outreach workers share the same experience. And with the rise of the internet, the distribution of Derek’s study letters took an even further flight.

Visit our online library to explore the available Teaching Letters.

Why are Teaching Letters so popular?

So, what is the secret behind the Teaching Letters that makes them so popular? When we ask people this question, they usually give the following reasons:

  1. Deep and insightful, Spirit-filled Biblical teaching
  2. Short Bible studies, not demanding much time to study
  3. Relevant topics for spiritual growth
  4. Helping the reader to apply God’s Word to his personal situation, in today’s world.

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