Join Us In Prayer

Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
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Prayer is powerful and makes a genuine difference. At Derek Prince Ministries, we believe that prayer is the most significant gift you can give to support our mission of spreading the Gospel and helping people grow in their faith.

Prayer Guide

One of the ways we prioritise prayer at our ministry is by publishing a new prayer need every day. These prayer needs come from our staff, partners, and supporters who are on the front lines of ministry in various countries around the world. They share with us the specific challenges and needs they are facing, and we ask our supporters to join us in praying for these individuals and situations. By lifting up these needs in prayer, we believe that God can move in powerful ways to bring about change and bring hope to those in need.

In addition to daily prayer needs, we also provide a free bi-monthly prayer guide that can be downloaded from our website. This guide includes specific prayer points for our ongoing ministry initiatives, as well as updates on how God has been answering our previous prayers. By using this guide, you can join us in focusing our prayers on the specific areas where we believe God is leading us to make the biggest impact.

Why Is Prayer So Important?

At its core, prayer is simply communication with God. It is an opportunity to express our hearts to Him, to give Him our praise and thanksgiving, and to bring our needs and the needs of others before Him. But more than just a way to share our thoughts and feelings with God, prayer is also a way to align ourselves with His will and to participate in His work in the world. When we pray, we are essentially joining with God in His mission to bring salvation and redemption to all people.

In his book, Defeat The Devil, Derek Prince said:

“Prayer is limitless. It’s our intercontinental ballistic missile. We can launch it from anywhere and make it reach anywhere.”

By joining with us in prayer, you are not only impacting the outreach efforts of Derek Prince Ministries but also making a meaningful difference in the world as a whole. Prayer is powerful in that it shapes our hearts, attitudes and beliefs to align with God's will. When we pray, we ask God to move in specific ways, but we also open ourselves to being moved by Him.

By partnering with us in prayer, you are joining with us in the fight against the forces of darkness that seek to oppose the work of God's kingdom. As we come together in prayer, we believe that God will move in powerful ways to bring salvation, spiritual development, healing, and restoration to those who are in need.

Partner With Us In Prayer

We believe that prayer is vital to the success of our ministry. Our prayer guide serves as a reminder and tool to lift up the specific needs of the ministry and the people across the globe. We encourage you to:

  1. Visit our prayer guide.
  2. Download your free copy.
  3. Bookmark the page.
  4. Partner with us in prayer to see God move powerfully.

Your prayers truly make a difference and can change lives. Thank you for your support, prayers, and encouragement.

Partner With Us

Join the mission to extend God's Kingdom, teach the Bible, and make disciples for Jesus.

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