Proclamation Cards Now Available

Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
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We are excited to announce the addition of Derek Prince Proclamation Cards to our website! Based on various passages from the Bible, these proclamations are a powerful resource for anyone looking to declare the Word of God over their life.

There are currently five Derek Prince Proclamations available (more to come):

These proclamations cover a range of topics and provide powerful declarations to help you stand firm in your faith and walk in victory.

Our Proclamation Cards are available free online or you can purchase a physical copy from your local official Derek Prince Ministries store. These professionally printed cards make a great bookmark, and are an excellent addition to any Bible study or prayer time.

Proclamations Are Powerful

Declaring God's Word has the power to change circumstances and bring about transformation. This is why we are excited to offer these Proclamation Cards as a free online resource to help you declare God's promises and truth over your life.

Derek Prince said:

“When we make the words of our mouths agree with the Word of God, we position ourselves to receive the full backing and authority of Jesus.”1

Whether you are facing a difficult situation or simply seeking to grow in your faith, proclamations offer a practical and uplifting way to align your words and thoughts with God's promises. They are a valuable resource for personal growth and spiritual nourishment, and can be used to speak truth and encouragement into your life.

We are sure these Proclamation Cards will be a blessing to you as you use them in your daily walk with God.

Expanding Bible Teaching Collection

Our online Bible teaching collection is constantly growing, and the Derek Prince Proclamation Cards are the latest addition. With nearly 3000 resources currently available, there is a wealth of knowledge and guidance to be found in our library.

In addition to the Proclamation Cards, we also recommend the book "The Power Of Proclamation" (also titled "Prayers And Proclamations") by Derek Prince. This book is a great companion to the Proclamation Cards and will help you to gain a deeper understanding on this important topic.

More To Come

We will be adding more to our collection of Proclamation Cards in the coming months, so be sure to check back often to see what's new. In the meantime, we encourage you to take advantage of this great resource and experience the power of declaring God's Word for yourself. As you use these proclamations, we pray that they will be a source of much encouragement, strength, and hope in your life.

1 Excerpt from the book "The Power Of Proclamation" by Derek Prince.

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