The Former Soviet Republics: A Region In Turmoil

Vazgen Arseni
Director, Derek Prince Ministries in the Former Soviet Countries, Turkey and Iran
Vazgen Arseni
Director, Derek Prince Ministries in the Former Soviet Countries, Turkey and Iran
Vazgen Arseni
Director, Derek Prince Ministries in the Former Soviet Countries, Turkey and Iran
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Ministry Update
Refugee Care

DPM is, first and foremost, a ‘Kingdom Ministry’. Our primary call and mandate are to provide the solid and life-changing Bible teaching of Derek Prince to all the citizens of the Kingdom of God, in any place, everywhere, to ‘build up the Body of Christ’.

As Derek once said, loosely quoting David from Psalm 119:63: “Everyone who loves the Lord is my friend”. The Body of Christ supersedes every nationality.

We pray you will read this Mission Letter just as it is; an appeal for the Body of Christ in the former Soviet Republics, including Russia, which is in great need and without the background noise from everything that is going on in our days. This is perhaps the reason why the Church in this region may be in even greater need today than ever before, especially as Russia is tightening up and is more and more isolated from the rest of the world.

Uncertainty and fear

These are the words that best describe many people, including Christians, living in most of the former Soviet countries such as Armenia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the inhabitants of those nations and others have never been in such uncertainty and fear as they are today.

This uncertainty is becoming even more prominent for evangelical believers in these countries and many pastors are no longer free to express their views on recent events. Many churches are now under pressure and regular surveillance and day by day, the circle gets tighter.

Refugee crisis... and new opportunities

Igor is a pastor in Moldova. The Russian-Ukrainian war has caused a great crisis. Hundreds of thousands of refugees have fled Ukraine and have taken refuge in surrounding countries, including Moldova. Together with the volunteers of his church, Igor distributes humanitarian aid to Ukrainian refugees. He says that Derek’s teachings can play a big role for them. The books Why Bad Things Happen to God’s People and God’s Remedy for Rejection are especially helpful.

Armenia, another former Soviet republic, is also going through a very difficult time. A devastating earthquake, two wars, ongoing tension on the borders, an economic crisis, and of course the Covid situation. In recent months, around 100,000 refugees and immigrants from Ukraine and Russia have arrived in Armenia. This has created a new challenge for the churches of Armenia to reach out and help those affected by the war.

Derek Prince Ministries is working hard to help local churches and not leave them alone to face their challenges. Last year, a children’s center was founded in Armenia with the efforts of the DPM team there. And now, more than 100 orphans and war-affected children are cared for. We need to be equipped with enough resources before winter to be able to do more before it’s too late for some.

Bringing help to war-affected Ukraine

Our faithful DPM worker Vlad, in Kiev, has worked tirelessly since the beginning of the war to help as many people as possible with both food and clothing. He also adds the Gospel message and small portions of teaching by Derek in the aid packages, giving hope to those in desperate situations. Thousands of people have already been helped, but there’s still so much more that DPM wants to do. Could you please help us to bring hope to those who have lost family members, their homes, their children, their work?

Jesus breaks the curse, also for Muslims

Amira, was a devout Muslim. She prayed every day and asked God to help her and show her how to be released of curses which she felt were clearly in her life.

One day, she stumbled upon a video on YouTube. The title immediately caught her eye. It was How to be Delivered from Curses by Derek Prince. Amira began to watch with excitement and, being a Muslim, did not care that the preacher was talking about Jesus. She wanted to get free at any cost from the curse that haunted her. At the end of the message, Amira repeated with Derek the prayer of acceptance of Jesus and deliverance. She immediately felt that something unusual was happening: an unknown relief and joy filled her heart. She immediately told her husband, who also repeated the prayer, and he too accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

Amira’s condition improved day by day. She changed beyond recognition. When she testified to her friends, they rejected Amira and refused to communicate with her, but that did not stop her. Today, Amira testifies to her Muslim neighbors and friends that only Jesus can free them from curses and save people’s souls. She has decided to use Derek’s teachings everywhere and tell people about Jesus.

Today, millions of Muslims live in Russia and the former Soviet Republics. Most have never heard of Jesus. Many of them, like Amira, suffer from curses, anxiety, and depression. To help local pastors and evangelists bring new life, Derek Prince Ministries wants to print Derek’s book Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose! and make it available free of charge to Muslims and nominal Christians living there, in their own language. With the current crisis that is rocking the region, this has become a very urgent need! Thank you for helping in any way possible.

Bringing life to those who need it most

DPM has always believed that one of the best and most effective ways of building up the Body of Christ, is to work through local pastors and leaders. That is exactly what we want to do again today. A pastor reached can mean a church is reached!

May we ask, could you please help us to provide the precious, life-changing teachings of Derek Prince to those who so urgently need them? Only God knows how much time we have left, but now is the time to help so these pastors and leaders can teach and encourage their local churches to stand up and bring the light and healing of Jesus Christ to their stricken countries.

For only $42 you can help us to print 10 books and send them to people like Amira. For $420 you will help us to freely distribute 100 books. We intend to print many more books and proclamation cards and we will do whatever is possible to help God’s people in this part of the world, which has already seen so much suffering.

Thank you for considering what you can do to help Derek Prince Ministries fulfill these needs!

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