Pastor Stemmet's Vital Contribution

Derek Prince Ministries South Africa
Derek Prince Ministries South Africa
Derek Prince Ministries South Africa
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South Africa
Teaching Distribution

Pastor Stemmet has played a pivotal role in expanding the reach of Derek Prince's teachings across South Africa. He has been instrumental in spreading the gospel, especially in small towns often overlooked by other outreach initiatives. His mission aligns with our mandate of 'Reaching the Unreached and Teaching the Untaught.'

With over fifty small towns ("dorpies") lacking a resident pastor, Pastor Stemmet's visits are not only welcomed but also greatly needed. He has successfully initiated Bible study groups, leading to many being baptized in water, including at the South African Police College. Testimonies of healings and deliverance continue to emerge from his dedicated ministry.

Pastor Stemmet's ministry extends beyond his physical visits. He has established ongoing discipleship through WhatsApp, where he shares daily devotional messages and updates on his travels. His return visits to these towns further consolidate the spiritual foundation that he's been instrumental in laying.

We are immensely thankful to have Derek Prince books available for distribution, which Pastor Stemmet leaves behind for new believers. These teachings of Derek Prince provide ongoing spiritual nourishment for the communities he visits. Without these resources, the courier fees to distribute such materials would have been prohibitively high.

Pella Catholic Church - A Beacon of Hope

In 1872, the Pella Catholic Church became a refuge for the Khoikhoi who fled from Namibia. Today, Pastor Stemmet continues this legacy of hope and refuge through his ministry. Meeting with two Catholic ladies who maintain the church (a tourist attraction), he was able to gift them a copy of Derek Prince's Foundation book in Afrikaans. They were moved to tears by this act of kindness. Despite facing persecution from the priest for their newfound faith, these ladies have embarked on a journey of studying and believing the Word through Derek's teachings.

The region surrounding Pella, particularly the Northern Cape, has been plagued by unemployment and poverty, with generations having been enslaved in the mines. Yet, amidst these trials, Pastor Stemmet is providing a beacon of hope. He ministers to these people, quenching their spiritual thirst with the refreshing water of The Word of God. Their receptiveness and desperation for the Bible is a testament to the importance and impact of our work.

Through his efforts within South Africa and his previous ministries in many African countries and overseas, Pastor Stemmet continues to be a valuable ally in spreading Derek Prince's teachings and God's love.

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