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Neil Cornick
Director, Derek Prince Ministries UK
Neil Cornick
Director, Derek Prince Ministries UK
Neil Cornick
Director, Derek Prince Ministries UK
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Digital Discipleship

What do Sandra from the Philippines, Yon Lee from South Korea and Laura from New Zealand have in common?

All of them have benefited from the generous gifts of DPM supporters and friends like you.

Generous supporters like you encouraged Sandra to speak in her heavenly language.

Sandra is a young Christian in the Philippines who was introduced to Derek Prince’s teaching on YouTube and Facebook by her mom. In an e-mail she sent to our digital team recently she wrote:

“I have learnt so much from Derek’s teachings online, especially about deliverance. It became the starting point of my openness to be delivered from evil spirits. I received freedom by God’s grace and power.

Also, I loved his video teaching about receiving the Holy Spirit. It led me to be baptised in the Holy Spirit and to speak in my heavenly language. Hallelujah!” - Sandra

DPM friends like you who share our vision enabled Yon Lee to experience God’s grace.

Yon was raised in a dysfunctional family in South Korea. And his parents are still very religious and under the influence of the occult.

God used Derek Prince’s sermons on YouTube to lead Yon to faith in Jesus and to develop a deeper relationship with God.

“Listening to Derek’s teaching I am working on my healing and on forgiving my family for their wrongdoings. I hope someday I can reach out to them with the love that my faithful God gives me with His grace. Thank you for this valuable teaching ministry.” - Yon Lee

Caring mission partners like you helped Laura to experience freedom from curses.

Growing up in a Christian home in New Zealand, Laura often heard Derek Prince’s teaching on the radio. But only recently did she get to experience the impact of his teaching in her own life.

It all began when one of Derek’s videos on family curses popped up on her suggested videos on YouTube. Watching it gave Laura the answers she had been looking for. God used Derek’s teaching on blessings and curses to restore her from brokenness and more.

“Not a day goes by now when I do not watch a video or read something from Derek Prince. I am looking forward to that glorious day when I can thank him in heaven for helping me.” - Laura

These beautiful stories of lives transformed by powerful encounters with God’s Word in the digital world would not have been possible without God’s grace and your generous support.

Will you give £28 towards our DPM digital outreach today to make more life-changing stories like these ones possible?

Your faithful support plays a key role in sustaining our ministry of making Derek’s teaching available to all who need it.

Together we can give more people like Sandra, Yon Lee and Laura fresh opportunities to use Derek’s Bible teaching to unlock the power of God’s Word in their lives.

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