New Partnership In Israel

Derek Prince Ministries UK
Derek Prince Ministries UK
Derek Prince Ministries UK
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"It is not the beauty of the building that is important but the foundation upon which it is built," states the foundational wall of the CFI Jerusalem office. CFI has a rich heritage of fathers and mothers of the faith such as Derek Prince, Rev Lance Lambert and Freda Lindsay. The Word of God and the proper way to tear down walls and build relationships has been foundational teaching through CFI ministry's history.

Derek Prince Ministries continues to emphasize the importance of Israel through a multitude of messages, sermons, and books. Therefore, recently, a new partnership has been launched. DPM and CFI will work to provide the Body of Christ in Israel with Derek's resources. Thanks to a personal relationship with Derek, the CFI ministry looks forward to assisting wherever possible with distributing these resources. A long close relationship with Derek was enjoyed through the years and it is with thankfulness that CFI will be able to bless congregations and leaders in a new way through their First Fruits Ministry.

CFI Jerusalem - First Fruits

The concept of First Fruits was born out of the CFI Jerusalem’s founder’s long-held belief in tithing. In the early years of Christian Friends of Israel, formed in December 1985, CFI tithed all of its undesignated income to churches and congregations which had already been formed in the Land, some of which had been in Israel many years. There were times when established congregations found it hard to function for a lack of funding. Others needed musical instruments, electronic equipment, and transport vehicles, and members had emergency situations that they could not afford to pay for. CFI was there for them.

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