Sharing The Gospel In Iran

Derek Prince Ministries UK
Derek Prince Ministries UK
Derek Prince Ministries UK
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The Gospel is not ‘just’ a message with hope for the future, but it has divine power to change people’s lives here and now. However, following Jesus is not always easy, as these stories below show. They were shared with us by our outreach workers in Iran after their recent trips. As you read these stories, will you keep them in prayer?


Daniel is a 35-year-old man from Tehran city. “God gave me the privilege to bring him to the Lord”, says our outreach worker. “I also baptized him.” Although all his friends and relatives are Muslim, Daniel was very bold in his faith and shared the Gospel to them. “Soon, his sister also received Jesus as her Savior. Daniel told me: “My relatives are really listening to me. They also have good questions that make us talk even more about Jesus.” Please pray for Daniël, for his ministry and his safety.

Parsa & Ashti

“Lord, how can we serve your people in Iran?’ This prayer led two of our outreach workers to Ardabil city. For the past two years, they have been sharing the Gospel here, in spite of the pandemic, and, moreover, in spite of the spiritual harshness in this city. Ardabil is known to be one of the most radical and conservative cities in Iran. The hearts of the people there are often really closed for the Gospel.

“Yet, God gave us grace and several families got saved”, our outreach workers share. “Let me share with you about a couple, husband and wife. I cannot mention their names because they work at the police station. When they received assurance of their faith and found peace with God through Jesus, they wanted to share that with others. ‘But it is hard to follow Jesus and read the Bible, while we could not share or apply it at our work place’, they said. ‘We cannot share with our friends about Jesus, because many of them could be working for the secret service. That would cause serious problems for us! However, we did share to our parents and they were shocked to hear that we are now followers of Jesus. We pray for them and hope that one day they will open their hearts for Jesus, too.’”


“Al my life I have been looking for Jesus, and when I found Him, I loved Him. I want to share with others about Him!” These words come from Davud, and old but brave man. Davud shared the Gospel to all his family, our outreach workers told us. He has invited them several times to come visit his family and family-in-law to share with them about Jesus. He is doing good work for the Kingdom of God. Will you pray for his protection and health?

(Names changed for privacy and safety reasons)

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