Indigenous Communities

Founded in 1991, our Indigenous Outreach is on a mission to bring the life-changing message of God's Word to the remote and sun-scorched corners of Australia. With a reach that spans an awe-inspiring four million square kilometers across the Northern Territory, New South Wales, and the Queensland outback, we are dedicated to providing grassroots ministry and support to the Aboriginal communities in places like Nhulunbuy, Elcho Island, Alice Springs, and Arnhem Land.

Our primary objective is to teach the Bible and equip local churches with Derek Prince books, media, and other educational resources. The scale of our outreach is truly staggering, and our passion for sharing the love of God and empowering the next generation of Christian leaders burns brighter than ever.

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Past & Present

For nearly two decades, Graeme and Veronica Hunter were deeply committed to the mission of Derek Prince Ministries Australia dedicating their lives to spreading the Word of God to indigenous communities near and far. Their tireless efforts and dedication were instrumental in establishing and growing the ministry, and their passion for sharing the love of God has left an indelible impact on countless lives.

Reflecting on this time, the couple said, “Derek’s teachings are very popular with the Aboriginal people because they are so relevant to their day to day situations and are easy to understand.”

In 2021, they retired and passed the torch to Peter and Katie Dunstan, a transition that was an answer to prayer. The new leadership brings fresh ideas and renewed energy to the ministry, and we are blessed to have them on board.

We are grateful for the years of service and dedication from Graeme and Veronica, and look forward to continuing the outreach's mission with the guidance of Peter and Katie.


Despite the positive impact of the ministry, there are still a number of challenges facing the outreach. A significant portion of these communities are located in very remote areas, making them difficult to access. Additionally, many of these communities are plagued by drug and alcohol abuse, high unemployment, and suicide rates are well above the national average. Drought has also had a significant adverse effect on several communities, leading to a sense of hopelessness among the people. Many of these individuals come from broken families and have been affected by violence in their lives.

To combat these challenges, Derek Prince Ministries Australia engages in a variety of activities to support Indigenous communities and effect meaningful, lasting change. This includes partnering with churches, praying for people, distributing Derek Prince's teachings, and much more. Each and every interaction provides an opportunity to connect with locals and share the transformative power of God’s Word.


During a recent trip to Elcho Island, Peter and Katie encountered a man who was suffering complications from triple heart bypass surgery. He was in a critical condition and the team was making arrangements for him to be flown to Darwin for emergency treatment.

An elder of the community brought Peter and Katie to the man's bedside where they prayed for him. The family was also given 17 copies of "God's Medicine Bottle" as a gift, which they gratefully accepted.

The next day, the man was miraculously healed and discharged from the medical centre. Praise God!

Over the years we have been encouraged to hear inspiring stories like this of miraculous healings and lives changed through the power of God's Word. These testimonies are an important reminder of the importance of prayer and the hope that is available for all of us through Jesus.

Support Us

Derek Prince Ministries Australia is committed to continuing its Indigenous Outreach, tailoring Christ-centred initiatives to address the unique challenges faced by these communities.

Our ultimate goal is to put an end to the vicious cycle of poverty, addiction, and hopelessness that affects so many in these communities. By sharing the love of Jesus through practical outreach initiatives that make a genuine difference, we aim to empower individuals and families to build a brighter future together.

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