Lista de Livros
Listados por ordem de publicação original, alguns livros foram republicados sob títulos diferentes (veja as anotações). Outras obras foram diligentemente compiladas e produzidas postumamente.
- Curso Bíblico Autodidata- Self-Study Bible Course Expanded¹- In Search Of Truth¹
- Orando pelo Governo
- Expelling Demons (1970)
- Moldando a História com Oração e Jejum
- Appointment in Jerusalem (1975)
- Lucifer Exposed (1975)- Defeat The Devil¹
- How to Fast Successfully (1976)
- Faith to Live By (1977)- The Power of Faith¹
- The Grace of Yielding (1977)- Trusting in God's Grace¹
- O Casamento é uma Aliança
- Philosophy, the Bible and the Supernatural (1978)
- A Palavra Final sobre o Médio Oriente- The Key To The Middle East¹- Promised Land¹
- Chords from David's Harp (1983)- Through The Psalms¹
- Fatherhood (1984)
- Life's Bitter Pool (1984)- From Bitterness To Joy¹
- A Nossa Dívida para com Israel
- God Is a Matchmaker (1986)
- From Curse to Blessing (1986)
- Pages From My Life's Book (1987)
- Guerra Espiritual
- The First Mile (1988)
- Prayers and Proclamations (1990)O Poder da Proclamação
- Bênção ou Maldição a escolha é sua- Explaining Blessings and Curses²
- The Choice of a Partner (1990)
- Extravagant Love (1990)
- Como passar da Maldição para Bênção
- Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship (1991)
- O Destino de Israel e da Igreja- Prophetic Destinies¹
- The Spirit-Filled Believer's Handbook (1993)- The Spirit-Filled Believer's Handbook Commemorative Edition¹- Foundational Truths for Christian Living¹- Foundations for Righteous Living¹- Foundations for Life¹Os Alicerces da Fé Cristã
- O Plano de Deus para o seu dinheiro
- The Holy Spirit In You (1993)
- O Remédio de Deus para a rejeição
- Fasting (1993)
- A Troca Divina
- You Shall Receive Power (1995)
- God's Medicine Bottle (1995)
- Se Quer o Melhor de Deus ...- Don't Settle For Less¹
- Does Your Tongue Need Healing? (1996)- What Did You Say?¹
- A Vontade de Deus para a sua Vida- Life's Blueprint¹- Objective for Living¹- Finding God's Will¹
- Testing (1997)
- Expulsarão demónios
- Maridos e Pais
- Orphans, Widows, the Poor and Oppressed (2000)- Who Cares for Orphans, Widows, The Poor and Oppressed?¹- What Jesus Would Do: Having God's Heart For Those in Need¹
- Atonement (2000)- Bought with Blood¹
- Julgar:Quando? Porquê? Como?- Sound Judgement¹
- Salvação Completa, como recebê-la
- Fasting Successfully (2002)
- Life Changing Spiritual Power (2002)
- War in Heaven (2003)- War in The Heavenlies¹
- O Fim da Vida terrena ... e AGORA?- Sharing in Christ's Victory Over Death¹- Hope Beyond Grief²
- Como enfrentar os ùltimos dias sem medo
- The Power of the Sacrifice (2005)
- A Chave para um Casamento Duradouro
- A Redescoberta da Igreja de Deus- Derek Prince on The New Testament Church¹- God’s Vision For The Church: Loved, Redeemed, Transformed, Called²
- Rules of Engagement (2006)- Empowered for Life¹- Battle Ready¹
- The Three Most Powerful Words (2006)Eu Perdoo-te
- Entering the Presence of God (2007)
- Living in God's Abundance (2007)
- Os Dons do Espírito
- Founded on the Rock (2007)
- Transmitting God's Power (2007)- Laying on of Hands¹
- Prophetic Guide to the End Times (2008)
- Proteção contra o engano- Battle of the Ages¹
- Gateway to God's Blessing (2008)- Where Wisdom Begins¹
- Declaring God's Word (2008)
- Power in the Name (2009)
- Segredos dum Guerreiro de Oração
- Authority and Power of God's Word (2009)
- Through Repentance to Faith (2009)
- You Matter To God (2010)
- Called To Conquer (2010)
- God's Word Heals (2010)
- Faith and Works (2010)
- Doctrine of Baptisms (2010)
- At the End of Time (2010)
- Resurrection of the Body (2010)- Resurrection of the Dead¹
- The Promise of Provision (2011)
- Immersion in the Spirit (2011)
- Final Judgment (2011)
- The Harvest Just Ahead (2011)
- Set Apart for God (2011)
- Seja Perfeito! Mas ... Como?
- By Grace Alone (2013)
- Pulling Down Strongholds (2013)
- Living as Salt and Light (2013)
- The Two Harvests (2013)
- Will You Intercede? (2013)
- Keys to Successful Living (2014)
- Ultimate Security (2014)
- Father God (2015)
- Pride Verses Humility (2016)
- A Cruz é Crucial
- Why Bad Things Happen to God's People (2017)
- Spiritual Warfare For the End Times (2017)
- O Poder da Ceia do Senhor
- A Última Ordem de Jesus Cristo
- Receiving God's Promises (2018)
- Why Israel? (2018)
- Longing For His Appearing (2018)- Anticipating Jesus' Return¹
- The Coming Revival (2019)
- Unshakable Hope (2019)
- Applying the Blood (2020)
- Hear God's Voice (2020)
- Birth of a Breakthrough (2021)
- The Pilgrim Legacy (2021)
- The Beast or the Lamb (2022)
- Self-Study Bible Course On Romans (2023)
- Return to Unity (2023)
¹ Título alternativo.
² Versão abreviada.