Legacy Giving

Leave a gift in your will.

Remembering Derek Prince Ministries in your will is a wonderful way to further God’s Kingdom and leave a lasting legacy.

Invest In Discipling

You do not have to be wealthy to leave a legacy and we understand that you will want to make provision for your loved ones first. But, please be assured that a legacy gift of any size will be appreciated and, in our hands, will bear fruit in the lives of many Christians and churches around the world. Whatever the value of your gift, it will go a long way to help someone who needs it.

“Derek Prince’s teaching changed my life in ways I never could have imagined. My deepest hope is that future generations will have the same opportunity to experience the life-changing impact of Derek’s words. That’s why I’ve chosen to leave a legacy to Derek Prince Ministries. I know this gift will help keep Derek’s teaching alive, continuing to touch lives for years to come, even after we’re in heaven.”

Your legacy gift can enable spiritually hungry Christians to access Bible teaching they can use to unlock the life-changing power of God’s Word into their lives, churches and local communities.

How Your Legacy Gift Impacts Lives

  • Your legacy gift can make Derek’s teaching freely available to new generations of Christians worldwide.
  • Your legacy gift can ensure that Derek's teaching is translated and printed in new languages to strengthen believers everywhere.
  • Your legacy gift can go a long way towards providing the tools and resources for creating digital discipleship and evangelistic materials.
  • Your legacy gift can equip future pastors, Bible college students and evangelists to dig deeper into God’s Word and turn converts into disciples.

How To Include Us In Your Will

Please contact us for further details. We recommend discussing your intentions with your family and consulting a solicitor or lawyer for full legal advice.

Contact us
Colin Dye